The Global Leader in Sales Recruitment

Our mission is to empower every salesperson and every organisation on the planet to achieve more.


Get A World-Class Salesforce

With MDN International, Martin Dai Nguyen recruits top sales talent, trains them to become The Ultimate Salesperson, delivers them to your company, and continues to coach them for 90-days.


Train With Martin Dai Nguyen

After our screening process, MDN International trains you to become The Ultimate Salesperson. places you in a high-paying sales job with a respected, fast-growing company, and then continues to mentor you for 90-days to ensure your success.

Hire The Right Talent.
Get The Right Results.

MDN International is a unique, end-to-end solution that takes every resume, every interview, and every training session off your books. We’ll handle all of that and give you peace of mind with our industry leading guarantee.

Martin Dai Nguyen with Kim & Robert Kiyosaki

About Martin Dai Nguyen

Martin Dai Nguyen is an Award-Wining Student, Dancer, Businessman, Sales Hacker, Recruitment Consultant, Investor and Social Media Marketing Expert (with business interest in 27-countries).

MDN International

The World’s #1 Sales Recruitment Agency & “The Ultimate Salesperson” Martin Dai Nguyen has a solution to handpick, train and place elite sales talent at your company.